希望我整理的資料能對我大家CRYSTAL有幫助。CRYSTAL是我的好朋友,為人正直又有愛心;CRYSTAL他只會推荐好東西!一直以來我都很相信CRYSTAL推荐的東西。整理資訊大致有分享文、開箱文、試用文、評鑑文、推薦文、是否便宜、優缺點等資訊.雅虎購物、momo購物及博客來是我比較常去逛的EC網購平台,常常有優惠商品可撿便宜。 | ||||
日本原裝進口 結團處小, 用量少確實結團、不易散開確實消除尿便氣味 | ||||
售價:920 我要購買 | ||||
現在很多線上購物EC平台都有銷售該商品!網友也都知道在定價和網路售價會有一定的差距,一直以來我都很相信KENNY推荐的東西。google找一下有些人再熱烈討論【Unicharm消臭大師】強力消臭紙砂 5L(三包組).雅虎購物、momo購物及博客來是我比較常去逛的EC網購平台,常常有優惠商品可撿便宜。 | ||||
其他資料列表: 1.Unicharm - Official Site www.unicharm.co.jp/english This is Unicharm english site. About UsIntroducing the president's message along with our corporate philosophy, product lines, overseas operations and history.; Investor RelationsIntroducing the balance sheet, the income statement, and … www.unicharm.co.in/about/index.html This page provides information related to Unicharm Corporation. Its corporate profile, corporate philosophy and field of business operations. www.unicharm.co.jp/english/about/overview Basic information about Unicharm including its foundations, capital and the list of officers. www.unicharm.com.au/inquiry/index.html This page provides contact information for questions on Unicharm products and its website. www.unicharm.co.in/index.html Welcome to Unicharm's Website! We offer useful information on products offered by the company. We hope to offer products and information to support our users' daily lifestyles. | ||||
1. 瞬間消臭, 確實結團 2. 尿便後散發出淡淡香味,確實消除尿便氣味 3. 確實結團、不易散開 4. 結團處小, 用量少, 經濟實惠. 每天的垃圾量也減少 5. 日本原裝進口 【產品使用方式】 1. 在貓砂盆裡舖5~6cm厚的消臭大師貓砂 2. 結團的部分請用鏟子鏟起丟棄,再補上同等份量的消臭大師貓砂 3. 為了常保貓砂盆清潔,請盡量每個月1~2次,將所用的貓砂全部換成新的 4. 一天請清一次便便 (愛貓一隻的情況) |