其他資料列表: 1.Black | Definition of Black by Merriam-Webster https://www.merriam-webster.com /dictionary/black
Philosophically speaking, being in the black is what motivates industry, entrepreneurship, and innovation. It is the very thing that enables people to feed themselves, clothe their families, create jobs, and set money aside for the future. It is not a vice, but rather an incentive to dream, take risks, and try harder.
2.Black | Define Black at Dictionary.comwww.dictionary.com/browse/black
Black definition, lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it. See more.
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blacker (comparative adjective) · blackest (superlative adjective)
of the very darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white.
"black smoke" · "her hair was black"
(of the sky or night) completely dark owing to nonvisibility of the sun, moon, or stars.
"the sky was moonless and black"
deeply stained with dirt.
"his clothes were absolutely black"
(of a plant or animal) dark in color as distinguished from a lighter variety.
"Japanese black pine"
(of coffee or tea) served without milk or cream.
of or denoting the suits spades and clubs in a deck of cards.
(of a ski run) of the highest level of difficulty, as indicated by black markers positioned along it.
of any human group having dark-colored skin, especially of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry.
"black adolescents of Jamaican descent"
(of a period of time or situation) characterized by tragic or disastrous events; causing despair or pessimism.
"five thousand men were killed on the blackest day of the war" · "the future looks black for those of us interested in freedom"
(of a person's state of mind) full of gloom or misery; very depressed.
"Jean had disappeared and Mary was in a black mood"
(of humor) presenting tragic or harrowing situations in comic terms.
"“Good place to bury the bodies,” she joked with black humor"
full of anger or hatred.
"Roger shot her a black look"
very evil or wicked.
"my soul is steeped in the blackest sin"
black color or pigment.
"a tray decorated in black and green" · "a series of paintings done only in grays and blacks"
black clothes or material, typically worn as a sign of mourning.
"dressed in the black of widowhood"
darkness, especially of night or an overcast sky.
"the only thing visible in the black was the light of the lantern"
the player of the black pieces in chess or checkers.
a black thing, especially a ball or piece in a game.
a member of a dark-skinned people, especially one of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry.
"a coalition of blacks and whites against violence"
the situation of not owing money to a bank or of making a profit in a business operation.
"I managed to break even in the first six months—quite a short time for a small business to get into the black" · "the company just managed to stay in the black"
blacks (third person present) · blacked (past tense) · blacked (past participle) · blacking (present participle)
make black, especially by the application of black polish.
"blacking the prize bull's hooves"
make (one's face, hands, and other visible parts of one's body) black with polish or makeup, so as not to be seen at night or, especially formerly, to play the role of a black person in a musical show, play, or movie.
"white extras blacking up their faces to play Ethiopians"
Old Englishblæc, of Germanic origin.
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5.BlackPlanet - Official Sitewww.blackplanet.com
Worlds largest free African-American online community where Black women and Black men meet to chat, discuss and engage on what matters to us. Now with jobs, news, dating, games and photos.